The Whistler at Trunk Films
"The Whistler," a short, SouthPark like animation by Layla Atkinson of Trunk films may not please kitty lovers, but it manages a miniature version of those old Looney Tunes' elaborate animal machinations. The bird in this one minute epic may be caged, but it's no birdbrain.
"The Whistler" and other very short, clever animations from Trunk directors are available on their Web site: Trunk
Highly recommended animations! They're funny, subversive, different, and very effective.
This was another of Indiefilm's top ten funny choices from Aspen's Short Film fest.
23 of a 24 frame rating for Trunk.
"The Whistler" and other very short, clever animations from Trunk directors are available on their Web site: Trunk
Highly recommended animations! They're funny, subversive, different, and very effective.
This was another of Indiefilm's top ten funny choices from Aspen's Short Film fest.
23 of a 24 frame rating for Trunk.